Eclipse Instant Messenger Plugin

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Eclipse Instant Messenger Plugin is a plugin for Eclipse. It integrates some popular im protocols(MSN,YAHOO,ICQ,AIM,etc.).

Eclipse is a kind of universal tool platform - an open extensible IDE for anything and nothing in particular. You can get more infomation from

What's new?

- Eimp standalone application released!(2003-11-05)

Eimp standalone is a SWT/JAFCE applicaion. Now you can use Eimp without the eclipse platform. The package don't include the JRE, so you should first download a JRE/JDK.

Currently 0.1.0 only release a WIN32 version. In next version I will release a Linux version.


- Yahoo and MSN work again!(2003-10-23)

0.9.1 is released. Yahoo and MSN work again! But I don't gain the license from Microsoft :-). God bless me!

Recently I can't visit, because my ISP blocked the visit to, and I don't know why! Fortunately today I find a proxy. But the speed is very very slow.


- Yahoo can't login!(2003-10-10)

Somebody report a problem that no one can login yahoo. This is because yahoo have changed the protocol. I will release a new version to fix it. pls wait a while :-).

BTW, now I draft a FQA page!


- eimp 0.9.0a released (2003-09-19)

I am very glad to announce that 0.9.0a of eimp is availabe.

View CVS ChangeLog.

- eimp 0.8.0a released (2003-08-15)

Now I experientially add the support for the AIM protocol. I use the jaimlib. But the lib and my code are not very stabe, but it is work. If you are interesting in it, you can download and try it.

Also in this version it support the invisible login in yahoo protocol.

View CVS ChangeLog.

- eimp 0.7.0a released (2003-07-17)

Now I experientially add the support for the yahoo protocol(v9). I use the jymsg9. But the lib and my code are not very stabe, but it is work. If you are interesting in it, you can download and try it.

View CVS ChangeLog.

- eimp 0.6.0a released (2003-06-30)

Now I experientially add the support for ICQ protocol(v8). I use the JOscalLib from ooimlib. But the lib and my code are not very stabe, but it is work. If you are interesting in it, you can download and try it.

- eimp 0.5.0 released (2003-05-30)

It is very stable for me :-), so I change the status to beta! I wish that it is the same for you. Before the other protocols, I will refine the code to improve the stability.

Now this plugin only work on Eclipse 2.1. I have no plan to support Eclipse 2.0.x.

- eimp 0.4.0 released (2003-05-20)

You must delete 0.3.0 from eclipse! Then can install this version!

View CVS ChangeLog.

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